Mossy Well
Muswell Hill

JD Wetherspoon has spent just over £3 million developing the outlet on Muswell Hill. Extensive refurbishment and adaptations to the building needed to take place due to the existing roofs being in such a bad state.
The Problem
The refurbishment comprised of complex work on the existing pitched roofs, lead ashings, guttering and renewal of the flat roof. A section of new barrel roof was also required in the centre of the building; comprising of flat, vertical and soffit detailing.
The Solution
The client required the new roof area to look like a traditional zinc roof covering. Sika Sarnafil G410-15 FSA was specified for the job, with décor profiling to match the surrounding roofs. Ideal for the job, the system is lightweight, cost effective and offers a flawless finish.
Built on Hambro Roofing’s previous experience this was a highly successful project without any major setbacks and completed in the given timeframe the barrel roof was also fitted with SarnaTherm insulation over a SarnaVap vapour barrier.
The Benefits
Sika Sarnafil is lightweight, clean and favoured by many architects the world over. Materials can only be bought and installed by Sarnafil trained and registered contractors, to maintain quality control. Whatever your at roof requirement you can be con dent that a Sarnafil installation will provide you with a at roof solution that not only looks good, but can provide a lasting performance that is independently certified by the British Board of Agrément to have a life expectancy in excess of 40 years.